N.B. This listing has been successfully reviewed by Nano Japan to ensure compliance with local standards for packaging, labeling and claims. We thank all people involved in the regulatory consultancy, design and legal advice rendered throughout this period. Meantime, please continue to shop with us and we welcome your questions on Q!#!amp!*!A as always... :D ~ Nano Japan Management

Now per bottle is 60-CAPS + 10-CAPS FREE. Total 35-days consumption!
Tip: Recommended to take together with
Photos are buyers/ customer/ users provided via Qoo10 member's page © NANO JAPAN
Actual text, photos and images are extracted from real customers’ personal view and opinion submitted for purchases
made on Qoo10.sg shopping website. NANO JAPAN does not hold responsibility to the content or whatsoever.
Copyrights © 2015/ 16. NANO JAPAN. All Rights Reserved.
Photos are buyers/ customer/ users provided via Qoo10 member's page © NANO JAPAN
Actual text, photos and images are extracted from real customers’ personal view and opinion submitted for purchases
made on Qoo10.sg shopping website. NANO JAPAN does not hold responsibility to the content or whatsoever.
Original content can be found at the bottom of the listing under "Photo Review" section.

*"Beauty Feeling" refers to the good feeling about oneself's confidence about personal beauty and maintenance
Photos are buyers/ customer/ users provided via Qoo10 member's page © NANO JAPAN
Actual text, photos and images are extracted from real customers’ personal view and opinion submitted for purchases
made on Qoo10.sg shopping website. NANO JAPAN does not hold responsibility to the content or whatsoever.
Original content can be found at the bottom of the listing under "Photo Review" section.
Photos are buyers/ customer/ users provided via Qoo10 member's page © NANO JAPAN
Actual text, photos and images are extracted from real customers’ personal view and opinion submitted for purchases
made on Qoo10.sg shopping website. NANO JAPAN does not hold responsibility to the content or whatsoever.
Original content can be found at the bottom of the listing under "Photo Review" section.
Photos are buyers/ customer/ users provided via Qoo10 member's page © NANO JAPAN
Actual text, photos and images are extracted from real customers’ personal view and opinion submitted for purchases
made on Qoo10.sg shopping website. NANO JAPAN does not hold responsibility to the content or whatsoever.
Original content can be found at the bottom of the listing under "Photo Review" section.
Photos are buyers/ customer/ users provided via Qoo10 member's page © NANO JAPAN
Actual text, photos and images are extracted from real customers’ personal view and opinion submitted for purchases
made on Qoo10.sg shopping website. NANO JAPAN does not hold responsibility to the content or whatsoever.
Original content can be found at the bottom of the listing under "Photo Review" section.
The original Nano Royal Jelly with 100% confidence !#!amp!*!
full enjoyment!!! (^^D/
Photos are buyers/ customer/ users provided via Qoo10 member's page © NANO JAPAN
Actual text, photos and images are extracted from real customers’ personal view and opinion submitted for purchases
made on Qoo10.sg shopping website. NANO JAPAN does not hold responsibility to the content or whatsoever.
Original content can be found at the bottom of the listing under "Photo Review" section.
Photos are buyers/ customer/ users provided via Qoo10 member's page © NANO JAPAN
Actual text, photos and images are extracted from real customers’ personal view and opinion submitted for purchases
made on Qoo10.sg shopping website. NANO JAPAN does not hold responsibility to the content or whatsoever.
Original content can be found at the bottom of the listing under "Photo Review" section.
Photos are buyers/ customer/ users provided via Qoo10 member's page © NANO JAPAN
Actual text, photos and images are extracted from real customers’ personal view and opinion submitted for purchases
made on Qoo10.sg shopping website. NANO JAPAN does not hold responsibility to the content or whatsoever.
Original content can be found at the bottom of the listing under "Photo Review" section.

1. All information, graphics, artwork, design, layout and etc... provided in this listing are copyrighted and belongs to NANO JAPAN. 2. They shall not copied and/ or plagerized in any manner, directly or indirectly. Compensation will be seeked for illegal copying and unauthorized usage(s). 3. We reserve all rights to make police report and take legal actions against any individual for their Q!#!amp!*!A postings that are baseless, without concrete evidence and of mischief nature. 4. Please contact us directly via email at (heiding@nanocollagenshop.com) for sincere clarification, if unsure. NANO JAPAN will be happy to revert to you to our best knowledge. 5. If you found information here to be inappropriate or inaccurate, kindly do inform us via email and we will be more than happy to review and response as soon as possible. 6. Products sold by NANO JAPAN has been tested in Japan (JFRL) and found to be above required safety standards. 7. A copy of country lab report for your attestation can be requested through proper procedures. 8. We regret any inconvenience caused during the period of clarification and seek your kind understanding. 9. NANO JAPAN remains committed to the highest quality of product, before and after sales service to all customers. 10. This disclaimer is non-exhaustive and will be subjected to review and changes from time to time without prior notification.
Terms !#!amp!*! Conditions of Premium Review competition: All entries shall be picked from the Premium Review section of Qoo10.sg website only. They must be authentic and genuine. They shall be selected by a panel of editors and management. Nano Japan reserves all right to edit, amend, post on various media as deemed fit, without prior notification. Prizes may be changed, differ in value, subjected to availability. Non-exchangeable and non-negotiable. No further request, demand may be entertained.
All winners will hear from us privately.